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During my field experiences and through substitute teaching I have had the opportunity to connect with many teachers, staff, school administrators, students, and families. I have also had the opportunity to work on a two-teacher team during my student teaching. During this time I collaborated with other 6th grade math teachers to help develop a website as we experiemented with the flipped classroom method of teaching math. I also was fortunate enough to work with an amazing group of pre-service teachers. I created an online forum where we could share ideas and discuss our experiences during our field work. 

"It has been a pleasure to watch Renee grow and learn during the 16 weeks in my classroom.  She self-evaluates accurately and honestly and strives to become the best teacher she can.  She volunteered to work with the student council students at the basketball games and spent an hour after school every Monday and Wednesday to run the after school homework club.  I believe that Renee was respected by the students she worked with, as well as other students in our school.  She was also viewed as an equal by my teaching partner and other teachers she worked with at our grade level.


Renee was involved in nine hours of parent-teacher conferences and did an outstanding job.  She had good insight into the students she worked with and relayed that information honestly and appropriately with parents."


-Sue Coyne, Cooperating Teacher 

To the right is a picture of a bulletin board I created in the halls of Bothwell Middle School to help promote a positive attitude among students and staff. 

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